

I have composed hundreds of jazz etudes for myself and my students. I am offering a collection here in lieu of publishing them in a book, giving you a chance to collect the etudes that best serve your purpose and level of playing.

The best way to learn to play jazz is to learn your instrument, listen to and imitate the masters, and play music with your peers. Part of learning how to play your instrument is spending hours in the practice room learning scales, arpeggios and technique studies. Imitating the masters includes transcribing quality improvisations of jazz masters. Often there is a developmental gap between being able to play exercises and scales and being able to play the often difficult improvisations of masters. There is also a developmental gap between the practice room activities and being able to use those materials to construct improvisations over entire forms. These etudes are meant bridge that gap. They illustrate ways of incorporating basic melodic material over standard forms like the blues, rhythm changes, and several other standard harmonic progressions.

All of these etudes were written for students in my applied or improvisation classes. Many of them were written for individual students to help them overcome specific obstacles or introducing specific vocabulary. Most of the etudes are based on a few basic devices used in improvisation. 

There are two basic approaches to the harmonic framework when improvising: harmonic generalization and harmonic specificity. Triadic generalization includes the use of blues scales (major and minor) and basic triads embellished with upper and lower neighbor tones. Harmony is specifically addressed by the use of arpeggios (particularly 3-5-7-9 arpeggios), guide tones, and common melodic outlines. These devices recur throughout the etudes illustrating how one melodic idea may have applications in many settings.  Some of the etudes are focused studies, using one or two elements to drill the concepts. Some of the etudes work as balanced pieces of music—an idealized improvisation. Some of the etudes have worked their way on to performances in the way Donna Lee could be considered a working etude that is also pleasurable musically.

Some abbreviations and terms used in the etudes:
PT = Passing tone
Ch.P.T. = Chromatic Passing Tone
C.C.A. = Common Chromatic Approach
LT = Leading Tone
NT = Neighbor tone
UNT = Upper Neighbor Tone [usually diatonic above]
LNT = Lower Neighbor Tone [usually chromatic below]
OUTLINES are explained in great detail in the book Connecting Chords with Linear Harmony and in Jazz Theory Resources, Vol. 1[A short explanation of the outlines is available following the link below.]

The etudes are based on familiar standards that correspond with jazz applied and improvisation class sequences. They often begin with some musical idea a student has brought in from a transcription for a well-known artist. We take the snippet and develop it, find new ways to thread that line throughout the form of a new tune, and learn something about developing ideas while also exercising physical technique and developing muscle memory with great vocabulary.

IF YOU DON'T FIND WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR: If there is a specific tune that you are looking for, let me know. I might already have one or would be happy to compose one specific to your needs (basic jazz vocabulary, extended arpeggios, motivic development, vocabulary with melodic minor modes or other specific sounds, quartal, in & out playing...).

Audio examples will also be available
Etudes Contain: basic conversational jazz phrases, common vocabulary, motivic development ideas, ways to ornament or embellish the basic melody, application of outlines and arpeggios, application of melodic minor and other scale colors, creating lines around harmonic substitutions. 

If there are concepts with which your are struggling, let's compose an etude that helps address that specific issues. Etudes can address the concepts in a way that is more musical than running up and down arpeggios and scales with the hope that this somehow will later transform into cohesive improvisational structures.
PIANISTS: Most of the Etudes at are single line only. There is no left-hand accompaniment shown for the pianists. This allows for less distraction for other instruments reading the single lines and allows a pianist to invent individual accompaniments for the etudes. Many beginning pianists do not have the harmonic vocabulary, rhythmic vocabulary, or knowledge of how any accompaniment pattern can enhance or detract from the single line.

Here is a general 12 page handout with illustrating basic possibilities for left-hand voicings and a discussion of how those voicings can be used to creatively enhance melodic lines using basic accompaniment patterns in different styles. These concepts can be applied to all the etudes and your improvisation vocabulary.
PRICE: $3.00

This is a set of five etudes that coordinate with Improvisation I classes. 9 pages of examples, preparation and etude material.

We Got It & I Got an Etude are based on Rhythm changes.
Avoid the Train Wreck No. 1 & No. 2 are based on changes similar to Take the “A” Train.
She’s Nobody’s Fool is based on changes similar to Satin Doll.

Concert Key
Eb Instruments
Bass Clef
This is a set of five etudes that coordinate with Improvisation I classes. Set includes preparation material, examples, and etudes with clearly labeled melodic devices.

Rainbow Bossa No. 2 (4 Choruses) 
Etude to the Moon No. 3 (2 Choruses) 
Fall Etude No. 8 (2 Choruses)
St. Croix Etude No. 1 (3 Choruses)
Blues Etude No. 9 (4 Choruses in F concert)

Concert instruments:
Eb Instruments
Bb instruments:
Bass Clef instruments:
This is a set of six etudes that coordinate with Improvisation I classes. Set includes preparation material, examples, and etudes with clearly labeled melodic devices.

When the Etudes are Swinging (6 Choruses) 
Based on When the Saints Go Marchin' in
I'm No Good Without Etudes #5 & #8 
(4 Choruses)
Changes similar to All of Me 
Fall Etude No. 9 (2 Choruses)
Changes similar to Autumn Leaves
Smooth & Glossy Etude No. 2 (2 Choruses)
Changes similar to Satin Doll
Blues Etude No. 26 (4 Choruses in Bb concert)

Concert instruments:
Bb instruments:
Bass Clef instruments:
Eb instruments:

Once your credit card or PayPal payment has been processed, you will receive an email containing attached PDF file(s) of the music ordered sent to the email address you include in your order. You must specify a valid email address in your order to receive the PDF file(s). Under normal circumstances, PDFs are emailed the same day payment is received. 

The etudes include notation discussing the concepts used as a basis for each melodic lines. The lines are constructed using three common outlines*, blues and triadic generalization, arpeggios and other devices.
*[A short explanation of the outlines is 
available following the link below.]
Any Questions, please contact me.

Audio examples will soon be available.


This is a set of six etudes (13 pages) for tunes that coordinate with Improvisation II classes and an article on diminished chords. Musical devices are clearly labeled.

There Will Never Be Another Etude No. 1

Based on jazz standard. NTs follow simple line

Swinging at 596 Lenox Avenue No. 1

Based on a Stompin' tune

Have You Seen My Prints? No. 1

Based on Someday tune

Surf Etude No. 1

Surf Etude No. 2

Based on classic Bossa Nova tune

Rainbow Bossa No.4

• Includes an article on Dealing with Diminished Chords 

Each of the six etudes includes notations discussing the concepts used as a basis for each melodic lines. The lines are constructed using three common outlines*, blues and triadic generalization, arpeggios and other devices.

Coordinates with Improvisation II classes.

*[A short explanation of the outlines is 
available following the link below.]


Once your credit card or PayPal payment has been processed, you will receive an email containing attached PDF file(s) of the music ordered sent to the email address you include in your order. You must specify a valid email address in your order to receive the PDF file(s). Under normal circumstances, PDFs are emailed the same day payment is received. 

Any Questions, please contact me.

Audio examples will soon be available.
Concert instruments:
Bass Clef Instruments:

This is a set of six etudes (13 pages) for tunes that coordinate with Improvisation II classes and an article on diminished chords. Musical devices are clearly labeled.

Oscillation No. 3 & 4
Based on classic Bossa Nova tune
Swinging at 596 Lenox Avenue No. 2 & 3
Based on a Stompin' tune
Have You Seen My Prints? No. 2
Based on Someday tune
No Greater Etude No. 1
Based on jazz standard
• Includes an article on Dealing with Diminished Chords

Each of the six etudes includes notations discussing the concepts used as a basis for each melodic lines. The lines are constructed using three common outlines*, blues and triadic generalization, arpeggios and other devices.

Coordinates with Improvisation II classes.

*[A short explanation of the outlines is 
available following the link below.]


Once your credit card or PayPal payment has been processed, you will receive an email containing attached PDF file(s) of the music ordered sent to the email address you include in your order. You must specify a valid email address in your order to receive the PDF file(s). Under normal circumstances, PDFs are emailed the same day payment is received. 

Any Questions, please contact me.

Audio examples will soon be available.
Concert instruments:
Bass Clef Instruments

This is a set of seven etudes for tunes that coordinate with Improvisation II classes.

There Will Never Be Another Etude No. 2
[arpeggio workout with literally millions of options]
Etude after Etude
They are Writing Etudes No. 1
Sweet Southern Etudes No. 1 & 2
Alice in Etudeland
[Dealing with jazz waltz rhythmic vocabulary]
Birds in the Yard, Sweet!

Concert instruments:
Bass Clef Instruments:

This is a set of six etudes for tunes that coordinate with Improvisation II classes.

But Not Like Before
[We play this Etude on concerts & there is a Big Band version available!]
They are Writing Etudes No. 2
Sweet Southern Etudes No. 3 & 4
Romantic Etude No. 1
It's Nothing but Arpeggios for Me No. 5

Concert instruments:
Bass Clef Instruments:

This is a set of four etudes for tunes that coordinate with Improvisation II classes.

[in concert G and Bb: Dealing with jazz waltz rhythmic vocabulary]
Romantic Etude No. 2

Concert instruments:
Bass Clef Instruments:
Once your credit card or PayPal payment has been processed, you will receive an email containing attached PDF file(s) of the music ordered sent to the email address you include in your order. You must specify a valid email address in your order to receive the PDF file(s). Under normal circumstances, PDFs are emailed the same day payment is received. 

Any Questions, please contact me.

Audio examples will soon be available.

Based on harmony and form similar to a standard  tune “Are you all Those Things?” 

Written during the school closings waiting for Hurricane Florence to hit the Carolinas.
This is a two chorus medium difficulty single etude for guitar or concert instruments.

This etude focuses on vocabulary and the construction of a solo balancing simpler lines and secondary transition line, and rhythmic development.

The etude begins with simple melodic cells that grow into longer lines. There is a distinction made between primary material and transitional material. Several elements have been borrowed from Bach, specifically the octave displacement at m.17 and elsewhere that can be found in the Courante Violin Partita No. 1, BWV 1002. 

The etude uses distinctly different harmonic vocabulary in corresponding phrases from one chorus to the next. 


Once your credit card or PayPal payment has been processed, you will receive an email containing attached PDF file(s) of the music ordered sent to the email address you include in your order. You must specify a valid email address in your order to receive the PDF file(s). Under normal circumstances, PDFs are emailed the same day payment is received. 

Any Questions, please contact me.
Concert instruments:
Bb instruments:
Eb instruments:
Bass Clef instruments:
It’s You or No ZONE
It’s You or No ZONE

Based on harmony and form similar to a standard  tune “It’s You or No One” 
This is a three chorus challenging etude for the guitar, but my be played on any instrument.

This etude focuses on fundamental vocabulary. Each of the three choruses is written for a single zone on the guitar. There is an accompanying handout that explains zone playing on the guitar.


Once your credit card or PayPal payment has been processed, you will receive an email containing attached PDF file(s) of the music ordered sent to the email address you include in your order. You must specify a valid email address in your order to receive the PDF file(s). Under normal circumstances, PDFs are emailed the same day payment is received. 

Any Questions, please contact me.

Guitar instruments:
[but will work on any instrument]
Bass Clef instruments:
Notice the Moment 
No. 1 & 2
Notice the Moment 
No. 1 & 2

Based on harmony and form similar to a standard Coltrane tune.
Several challenging choruses to help dig into the vocabulary. Practice slow so it can be played fast later.

Rhythmic development, extended arpeggios, bop vocabulary, and colorful options.


Once your credit card or PayPal payment has been processed, you will receive an email containing attached PDF file(s) of the music ordered sent to the email address you include in your order. You must specify a valid email address in your order to receive the PDF file(s). Under normal circumstances, PDFs are emailed the same day payment is received. 

Any Questions, please contact me.

Concert Instrument: 

Pork Scraps No. 1
Pork Scraps No. 1

Based on a Charlie Parker contrafact based on a the Fats Waller tune 
Scrapple from the Apple.

Scrapple is a food dish made with, you guessed it, pork scraps. This etude has bits of everything in it. The entire 10 page etude includes the piano left hand for a study of different approaches to accompaniment. 

Includes motivic development, side-slipping, references to the original tune and the contrafact, references to many other jazz tunes and vocabulary. 


Once your credit card or PayPal payment has been processed, you will receive an email containing attached PDF file(s) of the music ordered sent to the email address you include in your order. You must specify a valid email address in your order to receive the PDF file(s). Under normal circumstances, PDFs are emailed the same day payment is received. 

Any Questions, please contact me.

Concert Instrument: 

Spring Training Etudes 1, 2 & 3 for GUITAR
Spring Training Etudes 1, 2 & 3 for GUITAR

Based on changes similar to Joy Spring, the Clifford Brown classic 1954 composition.

This etude was by request. If you are interested in a specific tune or set of changes for and etude, please contact me.

These etudes are for guitar. Etudes no. 1 & 2 are two-chorus melodic development etudes using outlines, arpeggios and linear connections. Etude no. 3 is a one-chorus voicing etude.

Each etude includes fingerings, TAB and analysis. Fingerings are crucial to getting the jazz articulations making sure you are in position to slide, hammer-on, or pull-off. Should be swinging. 

All melodic material applies to hundreds of other situations. Have some fun, steal some ideas, make them better.

PRICE includes 3 Etude, TAB and analysis.

Audio file soon...

Once your credit card or PayPal payment has been processed, you will receive an email containing attached PDF file(s) of the music ordered sent to the email address you include in your order. You must specify a valid email address in your order to receive the PDF file(s). Under normal circumstances, PDFs are emailed the same day payment is received. 

Any Questions, please contact me.

Etudes as based on the form and harmonic progressions from the Great American songbook and jazz tradition.

Tunes linked with Improvisation I include:
All Of Me
Autumn Leaves
Blues in F & Bb
Blue Bossa
Fly Me To The Moon
I Got Rhythm (Rhythm Changes)
Satin Doll
St. Thomas
Take “A” Train
When The Saints Go Marchin’ In

Tunes linked with Improvisation II include:
Alone Together
Bluesette in G | Bb
Cottontail | Oleo (Rhythm Changes)
How High the Moon | Ornithology
My Romance
Out of Nowhere
Secret Love
Yardbird Suite
Someday my Prince Will Come
Stompin at the Savoy
Sweet Georgia Brown
There is No Greater Love
There Will Never Be Another You
Time after Time

Tunes linked with Improvisation III include:
All The Things You Are
Alone Together
Body & Soul
Days of Wine & Roses
Donna Lee
Girl From Ipanema
Have You Met Miss Jones
It's You Or No One
I Love You
Just Friends
Joy Spring [see Spring Training]
Moose The Mooche
Night & Day (C & Eb)
On Green Dolphin St. (C & Eb)
Once I Loved
One Note Samba
Samba De Orfeus
Scrapple from the Apple [see Pork Scraps]
Stella by Starlight
What is this Thing Called Love?

Tunes linked with Improvisation IV include:

Clifford Brown tunes:
Woody 'n' You 
Joy Spring [see Spring Training]

Herbie Hancock:
Dolphin Dance

Chick Corea:
Tones for Joan's Bones

Joe Henderson:
No Me Esqueca
Inner Urge

John Coltrane:
Giant Steps 
Moment's Notice

Standards in all keys:
Stella by Starlight
Its You or No One
Falling in Love with Love

Wayne Shorter:
Dance Cadaverous
Infant Eyes
Yes and No

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